Monday 2 July 2012

Blue Moon Princess' Mask & Boots

Hey everyone! How do you like the mask in the picture above? Well, guess what! It's all HAND PAINTED. I got the base and painted it blue with white eye frames and a black liner with acrylic paint. Here's how it looked like before it is painted : 
What a huge difference eh? I never thought of how the mask would look like. I just knew that I want her eyes to be shown and the main colour to be blue. I'd love to show you the steps on this, but sadly, I was rushing too much on this that I forgot to take the photos.
I stick those sequins on one by one. And for the silver lining, I used a fabric pen that I already had at home. It turned out amazing. I love the mask and am planning to make more to sell in BoxOfHobbies! I heard the cost for the plain mask is Rm15 though. I shall scout for cheaper ones.
The completed mask. Simply lovely.
These eyelashes was worn by the mascot together with the mask during the launch pad. The sequins on them were stuck on ourselves.
That is all for the mask. Here are some pictures on the making of the boots.
 A slave was hired to help wrap the feet. Thin stockings were bought to be used for the base (to prevent the duct tape sticking to Jennifer's skin.
A little fun with the picture! Princess Jennifer and the slave.
 When the wrapping is done, a slit is cut on the back of the boots. More duct tape was added in order to be able to velcro them together (the duct tape layer has to overlap). Once that was done, we sprayed paint the entire thing and attached the velcro. We chipped off some blue spray paint in order to make the rustic feel we wanted in our mascot's outfit. It shows the fighting spirit of the people of S.M.U !

This is the end of the post! Thank you! If you haven't checked out the making of the mascot's dress, do click here! Other than that, I have one last thing to say : Bye!

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